The Light burns...hssssss....
I've come to really realize that I've been neglecting this whole blogger thing for a while, and I feel guilty about luring people here with promises of awesome insights and feats so daring, that can't be viewed or seen anywhere else. So I decided to make amends by doing a little jig on a hi-wire over a pit of poisonous snakes, carnavor hyoomans, and a batch of radio-active deadly dookie. It's gonna be pretty incredible, so I hope you enjoy it.
Anyways, we're kicking this Winter Thing with the Un-OFFICIAL premier of Boss Hospital! The zombie nuns are watching so I can't do much right now. They're growling and chewing brains so while I'm in a tight situation right now, check out the growing terror with the Episode Guide at http://derebunny.weebly.com/