Saturday, March 10, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

About Me in the Year

Havent posted in a while. Want to know what I've been doing the last few months. I sleep, I eat, and I draw. The process repeats. This is how I spend my weekends and I have no life at all. I don't do much hahaha.
I don't want to type anymore, but if someone mails me some delicious snacks I'll get around to adding more stuff about me...but then again who really cares and reads this thing???

Sunday, January 1, 2012



Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Again and Again...

I don't really understand how each year is different year from the rest? How can it be actually new, if all of the years are new? I think you mean happy OLD year. Anyways, I haven't been on for a while because there really isn't anything to say. In fact, this year, I won't even make a resolution. I think I'm great the way I am!
Well, for one thing. Next year's gonna be home to EVEN MORE stupidity and comics.